Section 6.4.2
There's a missing &:
should be:
const vtable* oldvt = vt;
vt = vtable_singleton<void>::get();
(vt->construct)(storage_, src);
vt = newvt;

But it should be:
const vtable* oldvt = vt;
vt = vtable_singleton<void>::get();
(newvt->construct)(storage_, src);
vt = newvt;
The pointer has been replaced by a dummy for exception safety, so obviously vt will do nothing.
Note that you should not swap lines #4 and #5
Section 6.3.5
There's a pointer to a type called fptbl_t, which does not exist.
It's actually called virtual_function_table (fptbl stands Function Pointer TaBLe)
There's an incorrect function call, spelled table.del(p). But table is a pointer, so it should read: (table->del)(p)
Section 6.3.6
The function safe_cast, has an argument called p but the code calls it src.
Section 5.2.1
The class string_traits contains typedefs argument_type and char_type, but for compactness, they are later referred to as arg_t and char_t.